I read an interesting commentary on cnn.com today. Sorry I don't have the exact link.
Anyway, the gist is that we should be celebrating the outpouring of ideas of the Tea Party. Of course they have a lunatic fringe. So does any political group. But the movement is about protesting what they see as bad government and bad policies.
For the most part I agree with this sentiment. I do think that we need to keep an eye on the fringe element. Some of them have clearly lost their minds. However, I think that any radical of any stripe needs to be watched closely - not just the ones affiliated with the Tea Party.
Also, the author of the cnn.com commentary agrees with my stance that the Tea Party's positions are idiotic. However, they have a right to them, as do we all.
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The Tea party movement is about what's wrong with Democrats and moderate Republicans. It is a movement that never found a problem with spending so long as a republican was president. These are people who are angry that 12 years of a Republican lead Congress and 8 years of a Republican presindency led to economic destruction. They want to return to those days.